Albor Analytics Webmaster 18 de agosto de 2022

A tool integrated into Albor Campo which allows you to transform the raw data from your business into knowledge

Visualize and understand rapidly the performance of your main indicators and variables for decision-making. Take full control of what happens in your business with a Business Intelligence (BI) tool, integrated into your daily management data with our software Albor Campo.

Real-time management information for decision-making

A solution to assess, learn, and improve

Albor Analytics, a graphic and user-friendly platform which allows you to analyze and understand the main indicators and variables in your business.


Optimize your commercial operations by understanding in real time your commercial management of grain sales, counting with the information from Albor Campo and the access to other big data sources, such as: MaTBA, information brokers, financial operations, and more.


Always know the availability and fulfillments of your contracts with customers and brokers. Visualize them in kilos and dollars. Control deliveries, settlements, and pending matters.


Visualize in real time comprehensive information between management and net worth. You will be able to understand all net worth variations and accounting indicators to make the best decisions for your business in time.


Analyze the improvement of your agribusiness, ranching, dairy farming, or machinery in depth.


Learn from former cycles and rapidly compare the information to improve your current and future managements.


Find a way to constantly improve how your firm works by focusing on the process and not on the results.

Consult an expert

Integrate Albor Campo into our Business Intelligence (BI) platform